Monday 11 - Friday 15 October
Norwich Science Festival has teamed up with BT Adastral Park for a special week of free online activities for secondary schools, supported by experts from across BT, industry and academia including UEA.
Norwich Science Festival @Schools will run Monday 11 - Friday 15 October. The programme is suitable for secondary school students throughout the UK or even internationally
Each day we'll explore an exciting subject and the technology behind it. For each subject, you can watch multiple videos and download the 'have a go' activity pack.
Don't forget - if you take part in the activities and watch the videos, this all counts toward the Youth STEMM Awards!
Hot topics which will be explored are:
The Magic of Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Optical Fibre: Content Streaming Down a Single Strand of Glass
Digitalizing Healthcare: The rise of virtual care
Tackling Climate Change with Technology
View the full programme at
Each day we'll be holding a virtual live Q&A session between 1:45pm - 2:30pm with our subject experts, giving you the chance to ask questions about our daily topic.