Norwich Science Festival At Home took place 24–28 October 2020.
The main Norwich Science Festival was cancelled due to the pandemic and the team organised an online mini programme of engaging family shows, virtual talks and activities that could be done at home.
Events ranged from family friendly topics such as lunchtime lava, dinosaurs, underwater creatures, and space, to events for adults on COVID-19, the climate crisis, serial killers, a science quiz, and even a live animal dissection!
The At Home mini programme was organised by The Forum, with partners UEA and Norwich Research Park.
A selection of events from the 2020 Norwich Science Festival at home programme can be watched again on our YouTube channel.
Click here for the YouTube channel >
A couple of highlights to watch again:
Over the last few years, we've had fantastic events and talks on all sorts of subjects, from tiny bugs to the vastness of space. We're pleased to be able to offer a snapshot of these for you to watch again.
Watch past events